Simulate Mode

Specifying Simulator Options

To specify Simulator options:

NOTE You can also specify Simulator settings with the Simulator Settings wizard.
  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Choose Settings (Assignments menu).  Shortcut

  3. In the Category list, select Options under Simulator Settings.

  4. To create a report that shows the ratio of nodes actually simulated to the number of nodes in the vector source file, turn on Simulation coverage reporting.

  5. To detect setup and hold time violations during simulation, turn on Setup and hold time violation detection.

  6. To detect glitches during simulation, turn on Glitch detection, and define the glitch in the Glitch interval box.

  7. If you specified the timing simulation mode, and selected an APEX 20KE, APEX 20KC, ARM®-based Excalibur, Mercury, or Stratix device for the current design, turn on Estimate power consumption and specify values under Power estimation period to estimate the power consumed by the design.

  8. If the design contains an embedded processor core that you want to simulate, specify the uPCore Transaction Model Input File (.mbus_in) in the uPCore Transaction Model File Name box, or click Browse (...) to select the file.

  9. Click OK.

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