Overview: Using the New Project Wizard

The New Project Wizard (File menu) allows you to easily create a new project and assign some of its basic settings. You can open the New Project wizard with the New Project Wizard button on the toolbar.  New Project Wizard

With the New Project wizard you specify the working directory for the project, assign the project name, and designate the name of the top-level design entity. When you name the project, the same name is automatically assigned to the top-level design entity. If you want the name of the top-level design entity to be unique, you can rename the top-level design entity. You can also specify which design files, other source files, user libraries, and other EDA tools you want to use in the project, as well as the target device family and device. If you have no files to add or want to add files at a later time, or if you do not wish to specify other EDA tools at this time, you can bypass these steps.

The New Project wizard helps you establish the basic settings for the project and add or remove files and user libraries to and from the project. You can modify project settings, with the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

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