Memory Editor

Updating Current Memory with Simulation Data

To update the current embedded memory with simulation data after reaching a breakpoint or at the end of simulation:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If necessary, initialize the Simulator.

  3. When prompted to run the simulation, click No.

  4. Create one or more breakpoints.  More Details

  5. Run the simulation.

  6. When the Simulator reaches a breakpoint, choose Simulation Debug > Embedded Memory (Processing menu).

  7. In the Open Memory dialog box, in the Open Memory list, select the embedded memory that you want to update.

  8. Continue to run the simulation.

  9. When the Simulator reaches the next breakpoint, choose Simulation Debug > Update Current Memory with Simulation Data (Processing menu) to view current memory.


To specify that the embedded memory should always be automatically updated with simulation data:

  1. Choose Options (Tools menu).

  2. In the Category list, select Memory Editor General.

  3. Turn on Automatically update current memory with simulation data at breakpoints.

  4. If you want the Quartus® II software to prompt you before making the updates, turn on Confirm before refreshing memory contents.

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