Memory Editor

Filling Selected Cells

To fill selected cells in the Memory Editor:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Memory Initialization File (.mif) or Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex).


    Open the embedded memory at a simulation breakpoint.

  2. Select the cell(s) you want to fill.

  3. To fill selected cell(s) with 1's, choose Fill Cells with 1's (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. To fill selected cell(s) with zeros, choose Fill Cells with 0's (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  5. To fill selected cells with a specific number:

    1. Choose Custom Fill Cells (Edit menu).  Shortcut

    2. Type the number that you wish to enter in the Custom Fill box.  More Details

    3. Click OK.

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