
altremote_update (Remote Update) Megafunction

Parameterized remote update megafunction. The altremote_update megafunction allows for real-time reconfiguration of the device.

Altera® recommends instantiating this function as described in Using the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager.

This topic contains the following information:

AHDL Function Prototype (port name and order also apply to Verilog HDL):

FUNCTION altremote_update (clock, reset, data_in[11..0], param[2..0], read_param, write_param, reconfig, reset_timer )
   RETURNS (data_out[11..0], busy, pgmout[2..0] );

VHDL Component Declaration:

COMPONENT altremote_update
      (SIM_INIT_CONFIG        : STRING  := "FACTORY";
      SIM_INIT_STATUS         : INTEGER := 0;

   PORT(clock, reset                                    : IN STD_LOGIC;
       read_param, reconfig, reset timer, writer param  : IN STD_LOGIC                     := '0';
       data_in                                          : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
       param                                            : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0)  := (OTHERS => '0');
       busy                                             : OUT STD_LOGIC;
       data_out                                         : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 DOWNTO 0);
       pgmout                                           : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0);




LIBRARY altera_mf;
USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;

Port Descriptions:


Port Name Required Description Comments
clock Yes Clock input to the remote update block.  
reset Yes Asynchronous reset input to the megafunction.  
data_in[] No Data input used when writing parameter into the remote update block. Input port [11 DOWNTO 0] wide.
param[] No Bus that specifies which parameter should be read or updated. Input port [2 DOWNTO 0] wide.
read_param No Read signal for the parameter specified in param[] input port and fed to data_out[] output port. The data_out[] port contains valid data after the busy port deasserts. To avoid multiple reads, you must assert signal for one clock cycle.
write_param No Write signal for the parameter specified in the param[] and with the value specified in data_in[]. The data_out[] port contains valid data after the busy port deasserts. To avoid multiple reads, you must assert signal for one clock cycle.
reconfig Yes Indicates when reconfiguration begins using current parameters.  
reset_timer No Reset signal for the watchdog timer.  


Port Name Required Description Comments
data_out[] No Data output when reading parameters. Output port [11 DOWNTO 0] wide.
busy No Busy signal that indicates when the remote update block is reading or writing data. When the read_param is asserted, the busy signal goes high until the operation is complete.
pgmout[] Yes Specifies which page address of the configuration data is loaded when the remote update block is reconfigured. Output port [2 DOWNTO 0] wide. The pgmout[] output port must be connected to an output pin.

Parameter Descriptions:

Parameter Type Required Comments
SIM_INIT_CONFIG String No Specifies the configuration of the remote update block only for simulation purposes . The SIM_INIT_CONFIG parameter does not affect compilation or the resulting programming file. Values are "FACTORY" or "APPLICATION". When the SIM_INIT_CONFIG parameter is set to FACTORY, you can read and write remote update block parameters. When the SIM_INIT_CONFIG parameter is set to APPLICATION, you can only read remote update block parameters. If omitted, the default is FACTORY.
SIM_INIT_WATCHDOG_VALUE Integer No Specifies the initial watchdog timer value only for simulation purposes. The SIM_INIT_WATCHDOG_VALUE parameter does not affect compilation or the resulting programming file. Values are "0" to "4095". When the SIM_INIT_WATCHDOG_VALUE parameter is set to 0, watchdog is disabled. When the SIM_INIT_WATCHDOG_VALUE parameter is set to a value greater than 0, watchdog is enabled. If omitted, the default is 0.
SIM_INIT_PAGE_SELECT Integer No Specifies the page select value only for simulation purposes. The SIM_INIT_PAGE_SELECT parameter does not affect compilation or the resulting programming file. If omitted, the default is 0.
SIM_INIT_STATUS Integer No Specifies the status register value only for simulation purposes. The SIM_INIT_STATUS parameter does not affect compilation or the resulting programming file. If omitted, the default is 0.

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